Empanadas Place is a delicious little spot with ten or so jam packed tables, homey and kitschy with the walls covered in photos and Argentine banners. You order at the counter, take a seat and wait for the piping hot food to be delivered.

These are deep fried, not baked empanadas so they are a bit heavy. A hungry Monster could probably eat five of them but two or three is really all one needs. At $2.99 a piece (cash only) it’s a relative bargain on the pocket book.

Spicy chicken and potato and cheese are the call on this day. Each empanada, and there are roughly twenty, have there own unique shape.

They are wonderful, juicy snacks that The Monster has to will himself not to eat immediately lest he endure a burned mouth. Crisp, flaky outer wrapping with gooey, cheesy insides.

Also on offer is a selection of sandwiches, grilled skirt steak, breaded beef, grilled or breaded chicken. Two new sandwiches feature bell peppers, grilled onion, mozzarella and chimchurri sauce with either chicken or steak.

Whether for take out or eat in, Empanadas Place is a slice of Argentina in our neck of the woods.

Why go? Empanada Whyanada? (What cheeseball invaded The Monster’s body and had him write that?)

Monster rating 4/5 Monsters

3811 Sawtelle Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90066

(310) 391-0888

Empanada's Place on Urbanspoon

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